Silicone Injection Molding Manufacturer Insights

Silicones are incredibly versatile materials used in a wide range of applications, from baby...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape. By harnessing AI...
Extreme Molding is the #1 silicone injection molding company of consumer products in the USA. The...
If you have an idea for a US manufactured product, your first step should be to research a US...
The brand-name and private-label pet product industry is a sector that has grown quickly and...
Places We Ship your US Manufactured Products To
Silicone is a man-made polymer that is created by combining carbon and/or oxygen to the natural...
The COVID-19 Pandemic has affected all businesses and industries throughout the past two years....
Design for manufacturing (DFM) in injection molding is about optimizing the design of a molded part...
Liquid silicone rubber (LSR) and high consistency rubber (HCR) both support injection molding. They...
Making durable collars suitable for pets living an active lifestyle with their owner is exactly the...